
| 2 min

06. Partners In Health

This social justice organization is helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 in their home state of Massachusetts by hiring 1,000 additional workers to conduct robust contact tracing.

Published: Dec 10, 2020

Partners In Health (PIH) is a social justice, global health organization driven by the belief that everyone, especially those most in need, should have access to quality health care. The organization’s mission is to provide a preferential healthcare option to those who might not otherwise have access to one, through partnerships with other sister organizations around the world. PIH is based in Boston but their global reach is vast—treating patients and training local healthcare workers in remote and impoverished communities around the world.

Through a partnership with the state of Massachusetts, PIH is helping accelerate the state’s efforts to contain the outbreak. PIH is set to hire and train nearly 1,000 additional workers who will be responsible for contacting individuals who have been in close contact with COVID-19 patients. They can then refer them for testing and offer other resources through their quarantine. This initiative with PIH scales up the state’s ability to conduct robust and targeted contact tracing.

Learn more about Partners In Health.

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